Marye Russell Roeser
High Sierra Western Artist Schedule of Events
Mule Days Celebration is from May 26 through May 30, 2021 in Bishop, CA.
My book Switchback Trails Across the Sierra is available there for sale.
Follow us on my Facebook Pages – Marye Roeser and High Sierra Western Art.
For more information, link onto Bishop Mule Days Celebration and Leslie Engelhart, Western Art on my links page.
My book Switchback Trails Across the Sierra is available there for sale.
Follow us on my Facebook Pages – Marye Roeser and High Sierra Western Art.
For more information, link onto Bishop Mule Days Celebration and Leslie Engelhart, Western Art on my links page.
Marye and Lou are proud that they were chosen by the Bishop Mule Days Committee to be the Grand Marshals of the 2012 Mule Days Parade!
Here are photos from the Bishop Mule Days Celebration Memorial Day Weekend, May 22 – 27, 2012.
Here are photos from the Bishop Mule Days Celebration Memorial Day Weekend, May 22 – 27, 2012.
Joint Mule Days booth with Leslie Roeser Engelhart. Bishop, CA
Call Marye for an appointment, if you wish to visit her studio.
Call Marye for an appointment, if you wish to visit her studio.
- Sierra Design Studio - Mammoth Lakes, CA - Both Lou and Marye's work are displayed there.
- Here in Coleville/Walker, we have a new WALKER WESTERN ART GALLERY on Highway 395 next to Walker Burger and both Lou's photographs and Marye's paintings are there. The Gallery will probably close for the winter months after Walker Burger closes for the winter.
- Across the road, is the WALKER FLEA MART and we are a vendor there with photographs, prints, cards and Western décor, collectables, antiques etc. Have sold about 5 old saddles from the pack station there. The Flea Mart will stay open with week-ends only during the winter.
Read about some of the area history in our Sierra Ramblings pages and look for an upcoming book by Marye on the history of Sierra commercial pack stations.